ha!neh laa kwn bek aq tu..yg 1st tu athirah..yg 2nd tu k.naemah..
ary neh ary 1st aq g klaz.. klaz aq ptg neh start kul5 abeh kul6..haha,,1hour jewk ot.. sbjek bi lak tuu..ehee~ ase mcm mlaz nk g pon ade aw..xbsmgt tol..but nseb bek 1 kelaz jewk ade..fuh legaa beb!haha..p ecok jdual aq pdat aw..ary jumaat lak klaz cmpi kul1o mlam..lme tu..hope2 aq dpat b'than laa tuk ary tu..huu..at tmpt aq study neh aq ade 2 owg kwn t'baeq pnyew laa!kowg nk cpew dyowg tuu??nty aq knal an yew..hehe..dyowg tu cun aw..skali kowg tgok kompom nk uat bini pnyew la..caye laa!!ahaakz~
ary neh aq ase indu cgt2 at dye..dak tu nga jwab exam at kelaz ary neh..agk nye dye chat x???kowg ase dye rndu aq mcm aq rndu dye x ea???haha..byk tol ptnyaan aq neh..aq hope dye chat2 clalu..spye dye dpt jwb exam gn tnang n dpat result yg gmpak gituu..AMIN... k la aq blah dlu neh..ade kjew yg nk d beres an ..haha.. have a nice day 4 me!!
hahaaa . . org yg engaku rindu 2 shat jek aw . . jgn isau . . tdi exam dye dah uat yg terbek . . harap2 keputusan nanti k jek . . :) jgn nakal ea. . jge ksihatan aw . g kelas xmo nkal2 k . . blaja . . blaja . . and blaja . .:)
haha...oke..tengz at owg tu..
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